Health & safety guidelines

Our policies:

  • All families are supplied with a copy of our Health and Exclusion policy upon enrollment.

  • Each member of staff has taken the required health and safety course as mandated by the Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD).

  • Each member of staff is certified in pediatric CPR and First Aid.

  • Staff members are knowledgeable and trained in age-appropriate nutrition and eating practices.

How we keep healthy and safe:

  • Good hygiene practices are taught and required for all children and staff. This includes frequent hand washing, learning how to cover coughs and sneezes, and learning how to stop the spread of germs and viruses.

  • Learning how food fuels our bodies.

  • Toddler and Primary classes have time on the playground at least once per day, weather permitting.

  • Frequently touched surfaces are disinfected multiple times per day.

  • Children and staff that feel sick are encouraged to stay home or wear a face mask.

  • Encourage vaccines and boosters for the flu and Covid-19.